Newer the computer faster the speed. Remember the day when you bought your new computer? Over time, your computer’s speed may be reduced and it may start lagging. You may notice your computer is slow or unresponsive sometimes. With every new window upgrade some new features and software updates which need new system resources. This results in the slow speed and unresponsive nature of your computer. Minimizing the usage of resources will help you in improving the speed.
There can be many other reasons for slower speed like being out of space, the presence of viruses, or hardware failure. We have curated some tips to boost your system’s speed by cleaning your PC:
Your slow PC problem can be fixed easily by rebooting it. This will stop running all the tasks, software, processes, open pieces of data that are exhausting your computer’s processing power. When you reboot your device then it will have a lot of space that makes it work faster.
To boost the performance of your computer, free up some space from your hard disk or replace it with a larger one. Deleting some unnecessary files and removing cache memory will help you in making space in your hard disk.
There is almost no way to avoid picking up a virus while surfing the web, but with the new Windows Defender software, you can find malware that could be causing your computer serious problems. It is also possible to remove spyware or viruses with third-party programs, which can be just as effective.
To get the better performance of the computer, SSD startup will help you in handling the pressure off the processor. If you are running more than one application at a time, this will help in running your computer’s programs smoothly.
You can access Disk Cleanup by typing "cleanmgr.exe" into the run menu. Usually, you'll find the "search programs and files" box in the lower-left corner of the screen when you click the Windows Start icon.
As well as improving your performance, you can do a few physical things. For example, you can and should add more memory to your computer until it reaches its maximum capacity. RAM upgrades increase a machine's utility as it ages.
In most cases, the memory sticks are simply snapped in or out. The process for removing screws from laptops is slightly more difficult but still fairly simple. Retail store service desks can also assist.
What if all the options are present in only one platform, without any manual effort. IGS Cleaner is the one that has all the features together with PC cleaner. It helps in boosting your computer’s speed and makes it run smoothly.